Svendborg Forsamlingshus
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English - Brugerforeningen

Brugerforeningen was established in 2018 when the building was bought by the Salvation Army and converted into a meeting house.
We are mostly people with previous connections to the labor market who would like to participate in a meaningful community in Svendborg's cultural life.
We also have students with us, for example from Den Frie Lærerskole.

BSF's main purpose 

BSF's non-profit purpose is to
support SFH as a gathering place for cultural and other events that BSF deems relevant.
participate in the house's day-to-day operations in collaboration with SFH's management as well as develop and initiate the assembly house's activities and events.

Samarbejdspartnere og sponsorer

Kvickly, Gerritsgade, Svendborg

Middelfart Sparekasse

Vores billetsystem er et sponsorat fra Nemtilmeld

DMF (Dansk Musiker Forbund), GRAMEX

Fynske Bank

Real Dania "Underværker"

Garant Tæpper, Svendborg

Skousen, Svendborg


SEAF, Sydfyns Elforsynings Almennyttige Fond

Vi takker for hjælpen!

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