Svendborg Forsamlingshus
- et bæredygtigt fællesskab

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English - About the Building

Svendborg Assembly Hall
located at Lundevej 2, 5700 Svendborg, is a user-managed cultural center in the middle of the city.
Here you can rent premises and make your own party with wonderful food made by the house chef, Benny Madsen, or take part in our diverse events, which are developed and facilitated by the User Association in collaboration with a large group of nice people who want to play with. The user association is responsible for events such as a repair cafe, flea market, group singing, discussion salon etc.


Samarbejdspartnere og sponsorer

Kvickly, Gerritsgade, Svendborg

Middelfart Sparekasse

Vores billetsystem er et sponsorat fra Nemtilmeld

DMF (Dansk Musiker Forbund), GRAMEX

Fynske Bank

Real Dania "Underværker"

Garant Tæpper, Svendborg

Skousen, Svendborg


SEAF, Sydfyns Elforsynings Almennyttige Fond

Vi takker for hjælpen!

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